Sunday Morning

Welcome to our Sunday Morning Service. Should you be unable to attend a service you can listen to both our morning and evening service sermons from the ‘sermons’ page of this website, which can be found here.

This year in the morning services we are returning to the book of Luke. As with the other two synoptic gospels (Matthew and Mark) – this book’s purpose is to reveal the Lord Jesus Christ and all He “began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up to heaven.” The Gospel of Luke is unique in that it is a meticulous history – an “orderly account” consistent with Luke’s medical mind often giving details that the other gospels omit. Luke’s history of the life of the Great Physician emphasizes His ministry to and compassion for Gentiles, Samaritans, women, children, tax collectors, sinners, and others regarded as outcasts in Israel.

05/05/2024Associate Ben LambLuke 12: 22-34Our Father knows our need
12/05/2024Pastor Phil WatersLuke 12: 35-40Be ready
19/05/2024Associate Ben LambLuke 12: 41-48Be wise stewards of God’s gifts
26/05/2024Peter MukungiT B AT B A
02/06/2024Pastor Phil WatersLuke 12: 49-53Knowing Christ will cause division
09/06/2024Pastor Phil WatersLuke 12: 54-59Knowing the day we live in
16/06/2024Associae Ben LambLuke 13: 1-9Repent or perish
23/06/2024Simon BrewerLuke 13: 10-17Helloing on the Sabbath
30/06/2024Gareth ParadiseLuke 13: 18-30Mustard seed, yeast and the narrow door